Popular Editions

Popular Editions | Jane Austen

This week in Popular Editions we are taking a look at one of our most popular authors at World of Rare Books, the magnificent Jane Austen. Austen’s novels have been a mainstay in the literary world since their first publications in the early 1800s and have grown in ever increasing popularity over the years. Though […]

Pride & Prejudice & Me

By Sarah Kneath, Group Retention Manager I was around 13 years old when I first read Pride and Prejudice. I remember feeling ever so grown up as it was probably the first classic novel I had ever read. As bizarre as it may seem, I found the novel incredibly easy to relate to and there […]

Author Focus | Jane Austen

This week marks 200 years since Jane Austen passed away, here at World of Rare Books we need to celebrate Jane Austen and her wonderful work this week. Jane Austen was born on the 16th December 1775, she passed away due to illness on the 18th July 1817. This year marks 200 years since her […]